Saturday, March 10, 2007

Welcome to

Cawir, comes from a phrase in Karo language (North Sumatra, Indonesia) “Cawir Metua”. It means people of old age, golden years, who have basically accomplished their obligations in life. That is, they have successfully raised their children and sent them off to their own married/family lives. As such, when a cawir metua person passes away, he/she deserves the highest forms of respect in their funeral, including the most elaborate of funeral ceremonies, complete with music and dancing.

This site is dedicated for people of their golden years, who have been living, dedicating their lives to their families, professions, countries – humanities – and continue to do so.

My name is Syarikat Ginting. I am 69 years old. I have three children, two already married, so I have one more to send off before I join the Cawir club. My renewed appreciation of life came after a triple-bypass heart surgery in 2001. Living in Bali, I am lucky to enjoy a nice life in a nice place, and having the opportunity to meet with Cawir club members from all over the world who happen to travel to Bali. Or people that we meet when we travel, domestically or internationally - something that my wife and I like to do, at least once a year or so.

Here are my notes of the people of golden years that I meet…


ndahdien said...

Permisi pak, numpang lewat:D
Wah Pak Ginting hebat ya, masih mengisi hari tuanya dengan berbagi cerita tentang temen-temen bapak. Eh dulu saya punya temen namanya Jananta Ginting, satu marga ya ama Bpk (hehehe maaf info ga' penting)

Anonymous said...

wah! opa yang hebat! semoga kesehatan dan kebahagian senantiasa menyertai