Saturday, February 21, 2009

Suffering Of Life

Ida Bagus Arinama 82, came from Karangasam Regency, he has retired from the PRIMARY SCHOOL at Surabaya - East Java, he chose to live in Denpasar – Bali. He had eight children and 23 grandchildren.The life that most made him happy was all of the children loved him and his wife. Every month for eight years he consul to the Geriatri Polyclinic and the Heart in the Sanglah Hospital but the illness did not recover completely. The condition for his health was not better went 50 metre he had difficulty breathing. This happened because of the disturbance of the heart valve and the doctor did not suggest the operation because his age has been old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salam kenal,
Terima kasih atas postingan ini.. saya sangat apresiasi atas perhatian anda untuk menuliskan kisah hidup kakek saya..
saya salah satu cucu almarhum, dan sampai saat ini saya masih mengingat kenangan tentang Beliau dengan semangatnya untuk sembuh dan hidup lebih lama..
cintanya terhadap istri dan keluarganya menjadi contoh bagi kami untuk saling menyayangi dan mencintai satu sama lain.
sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih atas tulisan yang indah ini, mohon ijin akan saya share ke anggota keluarga yang lain

dayu putri