Maknur M
Date of births: While waiting for the time left for each destination where he said that he was born in March 1946, STM education living in the town of Solok, Province of West Sumatera.His parent not allowed to work or continue their education outside the city of Solok.
Years in power: He worked as a farmer, helping the elderly maintain rubber plantations. He himself has a crop of chocolate, cinnamon and rice.
Progeny: He has two sons and two daughters, two grandchildren. His two daughters lived in Jakarta and his son one live in Solok and another in Padang
Health status: He suffers from frequent shortness heart, hypertension, Cholestrol and High Uric Acid.
Next in line: Continue to work as a farmer. He felt as older farmers faster than people who live in big cities. As a farmer can only be met with friends at night