Mrs D. Maria Liwe Kimbal ( right)
Date of births : December 25, 1936. She lives in Denpasar, her husband died six years ago.
Years in power : She's just being a housewife to take care and nurture children in order to be useful.
Progeny : She has two sons, two daughters and have nine grandchildren. Both daughters live in Jakarta and the two sons live in Denpasar. The first son - inlaw will be retired this year.
Health status : She had high cholesterol , but did not have the influence on her health. She liked food that was fried and to maintain the health she carried out sport tennis,. three times a week.
Next in line : She still occupies the house of the army, even though her husband had retired and died. Daily activities in addition to accompanying grandchildren, following activities such as choir at church, worship service union households and women. She is still playing tennis three times a week despite advanced age, only a double, and each can play two or three sets.